
Glass Tube Rotameters

Glass Tube Rotameters

Product Category :    Rotameters

Supplier                :    Telelin Instruments (India)

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Product Profile of Glass Tube Rotameters

Telelin Instruments [India] supplies Glass Tube Rotameters. Telelin Instruments [India] offers various types of measurement and control instruments. The Glass Tube Rotameters are high accuracy fully enclosed online direct reading glass tube rotameters that are relatively simple and reliable instruments for continuous flow rate indication.

This Glass Tube Rotameters consists of a vertical mounted, calibrated tapered tube with float inside and a scale directly calibrated as per flow range taking into account operating Sp. Gr. /Density and operating viscosity. Your line fluid raises the float in tapered glass Tube, Area increases as float moves upward thereby showing the exact [Increasing] flow.

Specifications of Glass Tube Rotameters are:

  • Accuracy: +/- 2 percent Full Scale Range
  • Mounting: Vertical with Bottom inlet i.E Mounting In Upward Vertical Flow line
  • MOC: M-S / 304 S.S / 316 S.S / P.P / PVC / PTFE or as required

  • Models Available:
  • GT-797 FL: Flanged End Connections at bottom and top
  • GT-797 FLS: Flanged Connection at Side or at Rear
  • GT-797 SC: Screwed End Connection at bottom and top
  • GT-797 SCS: Screwed End Connection at Side or at Rear
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