Harvest pumps manufactures High Pressure Homogeniser for homogenizing process and thereby improving the stability, uniformity, consistency, viscosity, absorbency, shelf life and brightness of the basic product. The product when enters the valve area of the machine at a high pressure and velocity is guided into micron clearance where it is pierced and is injected to impinge over the impact ring and homogenised. The High Pressure Homogeniser is suitable for applications in Dairy industries preparing Pasteurised milk, cream, lassi, yoghurt, butter milk; Ice Cream industries for richer taste & smoothness of ice - cream; Cosmetics industries for manufacturing Shampoo, Nail Enamels, Perfume, Beauty Creams, Lotions, Gels, and Lipsticks; Pharmaceutical industries for making Antibiotic, Gelatins, Tablet Coatings, Syrups, Emulsions, Ointments, Tooth paste, Vaccines, Vitamins, and Enzymes; and Chemical, Bio & Petrochemical industries preparing Adhesives, Liquid Soaps, Anti Forming Agents, Cellulose, Starch, Anti Oxidants, Detergents, Disinfectants, Lubricating Oil, Dyes, Ink, Wax Emulsion, Mineral Oils, Fuel Oil, Paints, Bitumin, Paraffin Emulsion, Pesticides, Shoe Polish, Silicon Emulsion, Algae, and Yeast.
Some of the technical specifications of the High Pressure homogenisers including