Speedage manufactures "speedage" mill duty thrustor brakes. Brakes are intended to control the load speed, lowering or holding suspended load at rest in cranes/hoisting machinery. These thrustor brakes are suitable for 400/440 v, 3-phase ac supply for wide range of 100 mm to 600 mm diameter drum sizes as well as in higher sizes against specific requirements. These brakes are applied by the tension of the compressed springs mounted vertically between thrustor and brake lever. The company supplies these thrustor brakes in construction features like thrustor rods connected with brake by an angle lever; as the piston travels upwards the angle lever turns, pushes the brake rod and compresses the brake spring; the brake lever on the other side of the wheel [brake drum] is retracted simultaneously; brake lever at the thrustor begins to move when the first lever reaches stop on the brake base member; and adjustment of the thrustor and brake reserve about 1/3 of the stroke for compensation of wear of the brake linings. The company supplies a wide range of brakes for special application to suit specific requirements like manual apply drum brakes with no electricity required and manual applications using a handwheel; thrustor brakes with asbestos free brake liners; and reverse action thrustor brakes that are useful for large fan and ventilation applications where brakes are used for maintenance or in emergency.