Product Profile of Plasticised Pitch [Coal Tar Enamel]
STP Limited offers Plasticised Pitch [Coal Tar Enamel]. STP Limited has been accredited with the ISO 9001:2000 and ISO14001:1996 certifications. The Plasticised Pitch [Coal Tar Enamel] is a coal tar based, hot-pour, pipe coating material prepared by digesting bituminous coal in a solution of pitch and high boiling coal tar distillate modified by inert material filler. It is generally known as Coal Tar
Enamel in the coating industry.
Key Features of Plasticised Pitch [Coal Tar Enamel]
- Plasicised Pitch provides long term protection to underground steel pipelines when used along with Jet Set Primer
- Coal Tar Enamel coating system ensures more reliable pipeline protection due to superiority on many reasons like:
- Coal Tar Enamel coatings also have a higher load factor and are equally effective in different climatic conditions.