Product Profile of Industrial Grade Helical Gear
Industrial Grade Helical Gear has the feature that when two teeth on a helical gear system engage, the contact starts at one end of the tooth and gradually spreads as the gears rotate, until the two teeth are in full engagement. The Gear has the feature that the leading edges of the teeth are not parallel to the axis of rotation, but are set at an angle. The Industrial Grade Helical Gear can be meshed in two ways, with shafts oriented at either the sum or the difference of the helix angles of the gears.
Key Features of Industrial Grade Helical Gear
- When two teeth on a helical gear system engage, the contact starts at one end of the tooth and gradually spreads as the gears rotate, until the two teeth are in full engagement.
- The leading edges of the teeth are not parallel to the axis of rotation, but are set at an angle.
- Can be meshed in two ways, with shafts oriented at either the sum or the difference of the helix angles of the gears.
- Can be used with light loads.