Integrated electric provides user-friendly and high quality drive solutions irac series ac drives. The company supplies these ac drives in a wide range of 0.75 kw to 100 kw. The company also manufactures ac and vector controlled drives, dc motors and ac generators, ac motors. These ac drives are available with salient features like igbt/ ipm inverter; 16 bit micro-controller for digital control; sine triangle modulation; 0 to 200 hz in steps of 0.01 hz speed control; jog operation; programmable acceleration and deceleration time; selectable v/ f patterns; two ranges of skip frequencies; programmable rated frequency; 1 khz to 12 khz programmable switching frequency; for plc based control, six digital inputs, two programmable analogue inputs and one analogue output; 0-10 v/ 2-10 v/ 0-20 ma/ 4-20 ma analogue input and output signal.