Product Profile of Wheat Grass
Eden park agro products pvt. Ltd provides wheat grass products in the form of hygienically dehydrated powder and wheat grass tablets. Wheat grass contains 70% chlorophyll and is high in oxygen content along with over 100 elements and 92 of the known 102 minerals needed. The wheat grass is high in c, a, b & e vitamins and complete with protein and essential amino acids. The wheat grass also has enzymes like protease, amylase, cytrochrome oxidase, lipase, transhydrogenase and superoxide dismutase. The wheat grass products from the company offer advantages like
- Increases the production of haemoglobin and restores red blood cells, rebuilding bloodstream and purifying the blood and is thus useful in blood disorders treatments.
- Superior detoxification agent compared with carrot juice and other fruits & vegetables and neutralizes toxins removing heavy metals & drug deposits from the body.
- Aids digestion, prevents constipation, treats diarrhoea and other complaints of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Restores fertility with high magnesium content builds enzymes to restore the sex hormones.
- Anti-bacterial and can be used both inside and outside the body as a healer to cuts, wounds, sores and burn injuries than medicines & ointments. Arrests the growth and development of unfriendly bacteria.
- Helps control diabetes, cholesterol and reduces high blood pressure.
- Helps in the control and cure of many skin disorders including leprosy and psoriasis
- Cures acne and removes the scars after it has been ingested for 7-8 months period.
- Prevents hair from graying & falling and often restores it`s natural colour over a period and reduces dandruff.
- Gets into the tissues, refines them and rebuilds them.
- Stimulates and normalizes the thyroid gland thus correcting obesity, indigestion and a host of related complaints.
- Purifies liver and dissolves lung scars caused by pollution due to high carbon monoxide levels and other harmful gases.
Prevents tooth decay and cures pyorrhea and other dental infections in case of toothache and sore throat.
- Prevents and reduces cancerous tumors
- Increases energy levels, mental alertness, strength, endurance, health & spirituality and thus experience a sense of well-being.