Neem Based Water Soluble Emulsifiable Bio Pesticide is based on Azadirachtin isolated from the kernel of neem seeds and provides effective and lasting control of major pests of agricultural and plantation crops. The Neem Based Water Soluble Emulsifiable Bio Pesticide is environment friendly pesticide that is highly biodegradable and leaves no residues on the food stuff. Bicco Agro Products Pvt Ltd manufactures Neem Based Water Soluble Emulsifiable Bio Pesticide. Bicco Agro Products Pvt Ltd offers a wide range of biological inputs like bio pesticides, micro nutrients, bio fertilizers and fungicide for agricultural, plantation and horticultural crops. The Neem Based Water Soluble Emulsifiable Bio Pesticide, available under the brand name "Bioneem" contains Azadirachtin, the potent insect and mite killer, anti-feedant and growth retardant isolated from the kernel of neem seeds.