Spinning Machine to Produce Yarns is an advanced model of Schlafhorst Auto Coro 360 open-end machine. Arunkkumar Spining Mill Private Limited offers Spinning Machine to Produce Yarns. Arunkkumar Spining Mill Private Limited manufactures 100% cotton yarn, 100% viscose yarn, cotton / viscose blended yarn, open ended yarns and wider width grey fabrics. Spinning Machine to Produce Yarns has the latest SE 12 Spin Box Fixes and high quality `BELCORO` spinning component, enabling it to produce excellent yarn. Additionally Schalfhorst Auto Coro 360 has a highly sensitive online ColorLab Clearer Unit, to monitor and cut the fault with more accuracy, allowing the machine to produce flawless yarn. The machine truly symbolizes German technology with its amazing capacity to produce quality open-ended yarn.