Product Profile of Licensing System for Managing Regulatory Needs of Professional Licenses
Aithent Licensing System offers Licensing System for Managing Regulatory Needs of Professional Licenses. Aithent Licensing System supplies various types of software for Financial, Government, Healthcare, Insurance and Technology sectors. The Licensing System for Managing Regulatory Needs of Professional Licenses is used across multiple departments and for industry-specific regulatory agencies, like banking, health care and insurance.
Key Features of Licensing System for Managing Regulatory Needs of Professional Licenses
- Workflow-enabled and repository based design
- Definable workflows for different applications and regulatory services, tracking of all active workflows with a To-Do list managing pending tasks for authorized users
- Customization of business processes for different agency/departments along with the ability to create different functions forms using existing components with minimal coding efforts
- Online portal
- Online User registration and administration service
- Online portal for new license applications and other licensing services
- Seamless integration of online portal with agency users` system through managed workflows
- System security and role-based user authorization
- Authentication and authorization management for applicants/licensees for online submission of applications/other license processing requests over internet
- Ability to manage role based user authorizations and manage view and modify access to information
- Multi-agency solution
- Definable Boards/Professions
- Each Board/Profession can have one or more type of Licenses
- Licensing
- Issuing licenses and maintenance based on the above configurable settings
- Support for multiple license types with user definable renewal periods
- Generic and user definable licensing components to define and apply fee for different license applications, add questionnaire on forms and track related document requirements, apply audit checks to track completion of forms [or application] processing
- Complete support for license renewal process management, renewal notices, processes of expiration and inactivation of licenses beyond a certain time period after expiry
- Evaluation and auditing process for the new license application and renewal, tracks credits, documentation and other regulatory requirements
- Ability to configure and customize evaluation process for different type of licenses
- Fee collection and online electronic payments
- Ability to allow licensees and other external entities to interact with system via internet
- Ability to view status of applications, renewal and other online requests
- Interface with exam results to verify education status for each licensee and CEU verification process, support for both pre-licensing and continuing education programs
- Upload and download of exam results for national boards
- Continuing Education
- Track CE courses and number of hours
- Track and manage license audit checklist
- Inspections
- Define inspection schedule and provide alerts
- Record and manage inspection results
- Support for inspection process on mobile devices
- Tracking of inspection results and interface to enforcement module
- Complaints and Case Management
- Record complaints with complainant information
- Tracking, editing, monitoring and processing of complaints
- Assign investigators and interface to Aithent Case Management
- Interface with licensing and enforcement
- Recording of receipts and batches
- Check endorsement
- Payment linked to licenses and licensee
- Processing of insufficient funds, returns and
- Online payment through credit cards and EFT
- Correspondence and inquiry
- Print Licenses and certificates
- Notifications, filing confirmations to licensees via e-mail and letters, ability to print certificates and forms online, view submitted initial forms etc
- Reports
- Standard set of reports and mailing labels