Shrink wrap is one of the most popular and convenient forms of packaging. Shrink wrap packaging involves the use of thermoplastic or thermosetting films that shrink when heat is applied to them. These films are made of pvc, lldpe or polyolefin.
The film is first wrapped/sealed around the product to be packaged - forming a loose bag or envelope. The product thus covered is then placed at the inlet part of the heat shrink machine. The package is taken into the tunnel by its conveyor. The tunnel has heaters on its sides and a heat circulation fan at the top. The shrink film around the product is thus heated on all sides and shrinks within a few seconds to assume the shape of the product. The shrink wrapped product is then removed at the outlet.
The heat tunnel size, price and other factors are governed by the product size. The machine is very convenient and compact and can be easily installed and used at short notice.
Advantages of shrink wrapping: