Dayglo Color Corporation offers Sulphur Dyes for Dyeing Cellulosic Fiber. Dayglo Color Corporation supplies dyestuffs & dyes
Intermediates. Dayglo Color Corporation offers basic dyes, direct dyes, disperse dyes, foodzyes, naphthols, fastbases, reactive dyes,
Solvent dyes, sulpherdyes, vat dyes, fast salts, modantdyes, pigments, fluorescent optical whiteners from India. Sulphur Dyes for
Dyeing Cellulosic Fiber is useful for dyeing viscose, staple fiber and yarn, including material which is to be given a resin finish, silk,
Package dyeing and for continuous process. The light fastness of Sulphur Dyes for Cellulosic Fiber is very good.
Applications of Sulphur Dyes for Dyeing Cellulosic Fiber are as follows: