Polutech Limited is manufacturing Clarifier Mechanism Unit. The Clarifier Mechanism Unit is extensively used for continuous mechanical removal of settleable solids from wastes. These can be either Bridge or Centre column supported. In a centre feed design the wastewater is carried to the centre of the tank, the wastewater enters a circular well designed to distribute the flow equally in all directions. The sludge removal mechanism revolves slowly and may have two or four arms equipped with scrapers.
Polutech Limited offers Thickener, Slow speed Aerator, Agitator, High Speed Floating Aerator, Clarifier, Clariflocculator, etc.; which are widely used in Water and Waste Water Treatment plants. The drive unit of Clarifier Mechanism Unit can be central or peripheral and also manufactured with half/full scrapping arm. They can also be equipped with scum removal system. Besides conventional clarifiers, high rate clarifiers with parallel plate separators and tube settlers are also offered.