Fontus water offers automatic water softeners. A basic problem faced today is water scarcity, which is worsening day by day and stringent legislative measures have been undertaken by major metros like mandatory incorporation of rain water harvesting and water recycling. Deteriorating quality of water is another concern due to the increasing pollution of water supply sources [surface and underground]. Borewell water is hard and brackish that can affect health if not treated. Hard water causes problems like hair loss, premature greying and roughness; and scaling in electrical appliances like water heaters, electric kettles, steam irons increases energy consumption and maintenance costs. Hard water increases consumption of detergents and indusces clothes to fade faster. A water softener removes hardness to provide soft water for bathing and laundry. Features of automatic water softeners: strategic tie-up with kinetico, usa; non-electric operation; twin-tank design; metered demand regeneration; softens water up to 2000 ppm hardness level, and provides uninterrupted supply of soft water.