Stoplik services [india] pvt. Ltd.Offers patented reinforced yarn packings and in-situ hiteklon mould for sealing stuffing boxes in vacuum applications. The conventional pure imported ptfe, pure graphite, ptfe/graphite yarns possess the inbuilt property feature known as compression set, i.E., the packing rings stay in the same consolidated compressed form without any recuperation. Therefore it requires periodic tightening of the gland followerfor effective sealing. As a result of the nonstop and constant gland pressure, the packing rings solidify and harden bringing about premature packing failure. Further, the packing grabs the shaft to start scoring of the sleeve. Stoplik in-situ mould fills up the distortions and scorings in the shafts and incorporates an even surface for gland packing. In stoplik reinforced yarn packing, the reinforced synthetic fibre conveys the property of recuperation, thereby applying a back pressure on the follower. This method facilitates it to work efficiently with minimum load. The yarn packing does not grab the shaft and does not solidify. The packing ring does not harden on serviceand thus resulting in 100% sealing with no leakage. The stoplik gland packings offer optimum sealing solution, maintain vacuum resulting in batch time reduction and boost plant productivity.