Sevana trades & services offers liquid packing machines. The company supplies these machines in three models designed for different use like a] qs200ffw for packing preset quantity of water seal and cut single jaw round element; b] qs 200 ffl for packing preset quantity of water, soft drinks, etc, with low viscosity and c] qs200 fflo for packing preset quantity of oil, double jaw sealing head with a mechanical cutter. The fluid has to be stored in an overhead tank from where it is to be connected to a subsidiary tank with a float valve arrangement to maintain a constant flow of fluid to the machine. The float control valve should be large enough as to immediately replenish fluid taken out from the subsidiary tank. The outlet of the subsidiary tank is connected to the inlet port of the machine. The company recommends for having control valves between main tank and subsidiary tank; subsidiary tank and the machine for the convenience of shut down and maintenance. In the case of ffl and fflo subsidiary tank should be maintained at 4 metres height from ground level and 6 metres in case of ffw machine. The company provides the machines with a funnel with long tail that will load continuous tube form pouches continuously. The machines are available with production capacities of 8 to 10 pouches/minute depending upon viscosity of liquid packed and the pressure.