Product Profile of F-Grade Plywood
Peacock film faced plywood has a factory applied phenolic fabric film on both sides. The phenolic fabric film is fonded under controlled conditions of temperature and pressure and is a protection against the chemical action of the concrete as well as the wet conditions. It is un affected by changes in humidity or temperature. Sheets are fully edge sealed to prevent penetration of moisture. Phenolic fabric film faced plywood as developed specially to meet concrete formwork operations. It gives a more even finish to the concrete and has many.
Key Features of F-Grade Plywood
- Minimum Need of Refinishing
Phenolic fabric film faced plywood sheets leave the concrete surface exceptionally clean. Interior concrete walls are left ready to paint and free from wood grain imprinting and splinters. This is an important saving, in that walls and ceilings can often be painted without the need for expensive plastering.
- How to
- There are a variety of edge sealers that are effective in preventing water from entering a formwork panel. Amongst these are paints based on neoprene, chlorinated rubber, polyurethane and epoxy resin, and also cold-setting phenolic resin. Three coats of sealer should be applied to any edges.
- Any holes made in fabric film faced formwork panels should be sealed to prevent water entering. If water does enter it may cause swelling around the holes. The materials recommended as edges sealers are also effective for sealing holes.
- If it is found necessary to nails or screw through the face of the plywood [this practice being avoided wherever possible] it is recommended that screw holes are countersunk and filled with waterproof stopper of polyester resin or epoxy resin. Fixing care when plywoods have to be removed repeatedly, from the formwork, care in fixing will increase re-use.
- Nails for fixing should be as small and as few as practicable, although all corners must be nailed. Panel pins are generally recommended for this use as they pull through with minimum damage to the plywood when removed from the formwork. If nailing form the reverse side, double headed nails are best for easy removal.
- To obtain full life, Cleaning should be carried out immediately after each use. Phenolic fabric film faced plywood may be wiped with a rage dipped in a release agent or cleaned with water and stiff brush. It may be necessary to use a hardwood scraper but care should be taken not to damage the plywood face. Do not use a wire brush or sharp metal scraper to dislodge hardened concrete.
- Damage of the fabric film face my be repaired by applying three coats of polyurethane varnish or paint having ensured that the plywood is cleaning and dry before application . Allow sufficient time for the varnish to dry before using the panel. If face damage is extensive, it may be worthwhile reversing the fabric film faced sheet on the formwork.
- The table below gives the allowable concrete pressures for multiple spanning panels at 19-27% moisture content, to give a maximum inter stud deflection of 1/300 span, with the face grain of the plywood perpendicular to the studs. The table is based on the use of standard size metric sheets of 1200 and 1500 mm widths. The plywood sheets should be of the standard constructions for plywood.
- Phenolic fabric film faced plywood is particularly suitable for curved concrete formwork. The plywood can be bent to the approximate minimum raddi shown in the table when the moisture content is below 16%. In some instances the load required to produce these curves is high and adequate are necessary.
- Weather proof plywood suitable for Exteriors of homes, Building Constructions, Storage bins, Kiosk, Shuttering
& Furniture making, Truck Bodies, Trailers etc.