Hi tech boilers offers make fully automatic coil type, oil gas fired vertical non ibr boiler liberally provides surface area and proper atomizing of oil gas and air will provided highest thermal efficiency. Various safety features of this boiler are like high temperature, no water, flame failure will protect boiler from any accident and reduce the risk factor to zero level. Because of higher efficiency, this boiler is eligible for 80% depreciation within first year. Various technical features of the boiler includes: proper selection of material and thickness renders high corrosion margin rendering long life of boiler. In coming water is passed through economizer to absorb the heat from out going gas. Pre heated water is circulated through coil shaped heat exchanger. More surface area will generated in high dryness fraction to the tune of 0.9 this will result in extra enthalpy generation almost 100000 kcal/hr with com-pare to same capacity reverse fuel design boiler. More furnace volume enables bbest combustion is enabled by more furnace volume and this furnace volume will reduce heat releasing rate. Fully automatic oil gas burner with 0-100 % on off type system will provide pperfect monitoring and control of sageties with audiovisual indication are provided by off type system. Safety features like high temperature, no water, flame failure will protect boiler from any accident and reduce the risk factor to zero level. Because of higher efficiency, this boiler is eligible for 80% depreciation within first year.