Product Profile of Diesel Operated Oil Mill
Tinytech Plants manufactures Diesel Operated Oil Mill. Tinytech Plants offers different types of industrial processing equipment, fruit processing equipment, processing equipment, fruit processing etc. Diesel Operated Oil Mill is suitable for crushing all types of oilseeds whether edible or non edible. Diesel Operated Oil Mill is available with video cassette for various operations.
Key Features of Diesel Operated Oil Mill
- Mill is suitable for crushing all types of oilseeds whether edible or non edible.
- Filtration of oil is better than bigger oil mills giving transparent pure natural & "at a stretch convincing" appearance to the oil.
- Decorticator has special provision for shelling groundnut for seed purpose without breakage.
- Yield of oil is as high as big mills because of highly scientific worm sequence inside the chamber cage.
- Maintenance expenses are negligible. Diesel consumption in engine is only 1.25 liter per hour.
- Technology is so simple that person can be trained only in 3 days to operate the mill.
- Video cassette is provided with every export mill to explain operation, maintenance, names of components, dismantling, assembling etc.
- Encourage rural development as wealth and self-employment jobs are generated in villages.
- Save transport expenses for carrying oilseeds to cities and bringing oil from cities.
- Consumer`s empty tins can be refilled and hence costly packing expenses can be saved.
- Tiny Oil Mills make pure, fresh natural oil available to villagers from their own oilseeds on custom milling basis. So villagers are saved from profiteering, adulteration, taxations etc.
- Speculation in oil and oilseed becomes impossible due to decentralized production in Tiny Oil Mills
- Eliminate exploitation by middlemen and traders, as consumers have direct contact with mills.
- Encourage animal husbandry by making oilcake available as best cattle feed. It increases milk production considerably
- Create confidence and enthusiasm among villagers and their youngsters to run and manage rural industries. This is the greatest benefit as it accelerates creative entrepreneurship for other industries also.