Stamping machines : stm-500-fr machine is suitable for round and peripheral stamping
Technical specifications
-stamping force:500 kgf
-stamping area:150 x 200mm
-job diameter :max. 60mm
-job length:max. 150mm
-cycle time: 3 sec. Minimum
-heater: 400 w x 2 nos
-dimensions: 1200 x 750mm x 1800 mm height
-micro computer controlled
-stamping speed infinitely adjustable
-digital settings for temperature, stamping time and foil advance
-easy and precise block alignment in x, y, angle and parallelism
-hardened and ground guide rods and linear bearings for smooth carriage movement.
- damper cylinder for jerk free movement of the carriage
-depth stop for fine adjustment of stamping block contact
Flat stamping attachment [optional]
Applications :
Suitable for round plastic articles, rigid caps, jars and cream containers