Gujarat Pesticides offers Chlorpyri Phos 20% EC in Liquid Form. Gujarat Pesticides also manufactures various types of pesticides in liquid, granular, dust powder and wet powder form. The Chlorpyri Phos 20% EC in Liquid Form, also known as Molban 20 EC, is a broad spectrum insecticide having contact, stomach and fumigant action and used against a broad range of crop pest in soil and foliage. This Chlorpyri Phos 20% EC is used in against cockroaches and mosquitoes and it also used for termite control. This Chlorpyri Phos 20% EC is available in 5 litre, 1 litre, 500ml, 250ml and 100 ml mild steel tin and 20 litre and 200 litre mild steel drum.