Tacklers providesoffers miniature, spur and pinion gear winch. These special purpose winch is of 150 kg capacity. And ppulleys are specially useddeveloped for poultry and floriculture application. These miniature winches are able tocapable of lifting and lowering of poly curtains which . It can be located at one end of the building and rigged with small cord steel wire rope. The diameter of wire rope ranges from [2.5 mm to 3 mm dia] and slung with the help of pulleys for the application. The winch has gear ratio of 4:1. Miniature, worm and worm wheel is winch of 500 kg capacity. This wheel is specially designedveloped for poultry application for quick bi-directional raising and lowering of curtains and watering lines in poultry houses. These special purpose winches it can be located in the centre of the building and rigged with steel wire rope of 3 m to 4 mm dia. The winch has gear ratio of 41:1.