Sanghvi techno products offers ptfe skived sheets. These are capable of with standing the temperature from -200 to +260 c. It provides low water absorption, lowest co-efficient of friction and low smoke emission. Apart from that these sheet shave following standard features chemical inertness, di-electric properties, resistance to ultra violet rays and non-adhesion, non-ageing, etc. These are available in different forms such as rod, tube, sheet, plate, tape, thin wall tubing, electrical sleeving, spiral wrapping, or custom mouldings. They have following technical specifications: standard width-300, 450, 600, 1000, 1200, 1500 and 2000 mm; thickness-0.1 to 3.0 mm [standard]; length-available in roll form in any length; and also made to order. These are used in chemical, petro-chemical, bio-medical, electrical, electronic, mechanical, aeronautical, environmental, defence and space engineering applications.