PTFE material is provided with salient features like -200ºC to +260ºC wide temperature withstanding capacity, chemical inertness, dielectric properties, low water absorption, lowest friction co-efficient, resistance to ultra violet rays, low smoke emission, non-adhesion, non-ageing, etc. This material is useful for applications in sectors like chemical, petrochemical, bio-medical, electrical, electronic, mechanical, aeronautical, environmental, defence and space engineering. The PTFE materials can be used in forming a wide array of construction like rod, tube, sheet, plate tape, thin wall tubing, electrical sleeving, spiral wrapping, or custom mouldings. The PTFE sheet and tape can be given sodium-etched surface suitable for adhesive bonding by a special process. Sanghvi Techno manufactures PTFE moulded rods with technical specifications like 19 mm to 200 mm [standard] diameter; 300 mm [standard] length. The company also supplies these PTFE moulded rods in specific length and diameter as per order of customer requirements.