S. F. Engineering Works offers Pug Mixer with Power 1 to 15 HP. S. F. Engineering Works supplies a wide range of Mixers, Grinders, and Dispersers, Milling, Drying and separating equipment. The Pug Mixer with Power 1 to 15 HP is suitable for homogenous mixing of dry powders of different bulk densities used in the Food, Mineral, Pharmaceutical, Paint and Chemical Industries. The Pug Mixer is a simple versatile mixer which can also mix semi wet material. Ribbons of various designs are available to handle different materials. The mixer consists of a cylindrical shell inside which rotates a double helix shaft fitted with spiral inner and outer ribbons. During rotation of the shaft, the ribbons lift, convey and inter mix the material to get a homogenous mass in short intervals. Discharge is from the bottom by a quick opening valve. The Pug Mixer with Power 1 to 15 HP is used for Intensive Mixing of wet and dry material used in the Food, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Paint, Cement, Refractory, Adhesives, Building materials, Dyestuff and Allied Industry. The Pug Mixer is available in 7 models with power ranging from 1 to 15 HP.