The Flooring Colour Deep Black Oxide mixes well with Cement and absorbs water to form a homogenous paste. This oxide is excellent resistance to alkali, and can with stand high temperatures, no effect of indoor & outdoor exposure, and zero effect of time. Oxide India is manufacturing Flooring Colour Deep Black Oxide.
Oxide India is supplying Dawn Black Oxide, Haemoglobin Red, Flooring Colour, Concrete Colour, Synthetic Iron Oxides, Deep Black Oxide, Hydrophyllic Carbon Black and Hydrophobic Carbon Black. The Flooring Colour Deep Black Oxide is available in 25Kg packs in printed HDPE bags with HM liners. The Black Oxide are used inPavers Blocks, Concrete & Interlocking Blocks, flooring colours, Mosaic tiles, Tinted glass, Bakelite & fertilizers.