Watrion water & filter engineering manufactures pressure sand filters. Properly designed distributors and fine quality sand is the hall mark. Functional parameters of the sand filters: turbid water load of up to 100 ppm is instantly converted into clean and clear water due to trapping of turbidity, rust, dirt, algae, dust and other organic matter. Backwashing is very easy and economical. These filters avoid separate pump at the outlet unlike gravity filters, since the pressure loss in the system is marginal. The capacity of the plant goes up to 200 m3/hour. For higher flow rates, horizontal pressure sand filter can be used. Turbidity of filtered water is less than 5 ppm. Flow rate will vary depending upon load in the raw water. For removal of iron from the water, the filter will be provided with a special iron removal media. Efficient filtration with speedy coagulation of fine suspended solids is carried out by a chemical doser prior to filtration. Recommended coagulants: alum, ferric chloride and sulfate of any other chemicals depending on raw water parameters. Activated carbon filter is similar in construction to sand filter. Only the pipe line is changed and activated carbon is put instead of sand. Activated carbon effectively eliminates odour, colour, obnoxious gases, organic matter, part of cod and bod, etc.