PVC Insulated and Sheathed 3 Core Flat Cables are shielded flat electrical cables which are formed of a plurality of twisted pairs of conductors. PVC Insulated and Sheathed 3 Core Flat Cables are manufactured by Taruna Metals Pvt. Ltd.
Taruna Metals Pvt. Ltd. Has been accredited with ISO 9001:2000 certification and the company manufactures PVC Copper Wires and Cables. These products are ISI marked and the company has been registered with SSI NSIC, MES, DGS&D, Ministry of Defence [DGQA] and various Electricity Boards. In PVC Insulated and Sheathed 3 Core Flat Cables the individual conductors of each conductor pair are twisted about each other for at least one portion of their mutual length. The conductors are laminated to a film to maintain predetermined spacing and the electrical parameters of the cable. In a preferred embodiment, the shielding comprises of a wider and a narrower tape, each having a conductive layer and an insulating strength-giving layer. The tapes are disposed on opposite sides of the core of the cable. The wider tape wraps around the edges of the core and overlies portions of the narrower tape so as to make electrical contact therewith, avoiding a slot effect