Magnet applications, usa, supplies alnico magnets. These alnico magnets primarily comprises of alloys of aluminium, nickel and cobalt and feature superior temperature stabilities, high residual inductions and relatively high energies. The ainico magnets from magnet applications are solid and delicate and are engineered through either a casting or sintering process. These alnico magnets possess a low coercive force and can be effortlessly demagnetised. The necessary magnetising field for the alnico magnets is about 3koe. Cast alnico 5 magnets are the most usually used magnets and can be produced in composite shapes [which is not possible with other magnet materials]. Sintered alnico magnets incorporate slightly lower magnetic properties but better mechanical characteristics. Non-standard shapes and sizes can be manufactured to design specifications from raw stock materials. Standard forms of alnico magnets available are: rods, discs, cylinders, segments, blocks, arcs, bars, horseshoes, as well as in the form of custom geometries. The company provides the following services to the customers: design support for magnet assemblies and electromagnetic components; custom fabrication and machining of all magnet materials with short lead times and assembling; prototype to production quantities. These alnico magnets from magnet applications find uses in computers, instrumentation, loudspeakers, microwave ovens, switches, relays, aerospace, couplings, high performance electric motors, rotating machinery, magnetic bearings, headphones, undulators, sensing devices, holding applications, and magnetic resonance for medical and geo-physical applications.