Stavley machines manufactures a wide range of high quality agricultural tools and equipments. The company offers golf course mower, which provides 50 cuts per meter. This is available in 12", 14", 16", 18", 20" & 24" sizes. The frame is made of special steel. It is equipped with unbreakable carriages, which is made from steel. The instrument has steel made grass box, which is easily detached to take out grass. The handle is made of tubular steel and can be adjusted with the height of operator. There is a provision to adjust cutting height from 3/4 to 2 inches. Bottom blade has strengthened lipped cutting edge to make it durable. The cutting cylinder is equipped with six blades, which are running on ball bearings. This cylinder is encased, which make it dust proof. The entire body is either powder coated or liquid painted. The draw bar comes in 18", 20" & 24".