Roshan Enterprises supplies Local Line/Broadband/ISDN Line Tester. Roshan Enterprises offers wide ranges of Cable Fault Locator, Route Locator, Cable Guard, Broadband Line Tester, Local Line Tester, IPM/GD Tube Tester, Digital Earth Tester, and Artificial Load for testing battery, Monitoring system for unmanned exchanges etc. Local Line/Broadband/ISDN Line Tester is ideal for use in various sectors like- telecommunication, industrial electronics and information technology etc. Local Line/Broadband/ISDN Line Tester is useful for testing exchange and subscriber side of the line. On the exchange side user can check Exch. Voltage & Dial tone. On the subscriber side user can check the presence of AC voltage, Battery, Earth, Short-circuit and Condenser click. Local Line/Broadband/ISDN Line Tester is available with tone sending provision.