R/W based Hand Held Data Logger is the product of the Fortuna. The company is an ISO 9001-2000 certified organization. The product Hand Held Data Logger is for productivity and efficiency are the forces driving companies to adopt Mobile Tools. MicroLOG, the Smart Hand Held Terminal is designed to provide cost effective Smart Card enabled solutions. Smart Card Management, e-Purse, Loyalty, POS, Warehousing Applications, field data collection and dynamically uplinking data with enterprise host systems.
It contains a Contact Smart Card Interface with SAM Card Socket [optional] as in Driver`s License or a Mifare Contactless Reader for Read/Write applications, e-Purse, Fleet Management etc. The integration of a Biometric Scanner allows systems to conduct transactions with high levels of security using 1:1 or 1:N Biometric verification. Optional Integrated Laser Barcode Scanner provides fast and accurate capture of Barcoded data. The 16 Keys with Backlit and Jog Dial provide for quick input of data. The Microlog delivers the data to the back end host system in real time from the field thru two Radio options [1] GPRS [2] RF 400 MHz. Of course RS232 & IRDA for offline data downloading of the captured data from its spacious memory is always there. The salient features of the R/W based Hand Held Data Logger: