Multi-door Distributed Attendance and Access Controller is produced by Fortuna. The company is an ISO 9001-2000 certified company. Multi-door Distributed Attendance and Access Controller, Checkmate XP is an effective Access Controller which is ideally suited where high level security is imperative along with distributed control. It manages upto 16 Proximity/Smart Card /Biometric Reader [Weigand Compatible] installed at various doors in an organization. The product is available in low cost and it is small as well as attractively packaged front end Readers are connected to the Controller in a Star Connection and the Lock release output is driven from the Controller itself. The product provides a field configurable firmware engine for taking care of any organization`s access control requirement .The controller can be configured using a front end Software, COMPRO XP. All the Access decisions are taken by the controller making it truly a standalone system, independent of PC. It can be used in on-line mode for larger PC Controlled Building Management System. Multiple Checkmate XP`s can be networked on a RS485 bus or on an Ethernet Network with suitable hardware for larger application. The Salient features of the Multi-door Distributed Attendance and Access Controller: