Multi Door Access Controller and Monitoring Panel, Checkmate XT manages upto 4 Proximity Smart Card Reader [Weigand Compatible] installed at various doors in an organization. The product is manufactured by Fortuna, ISO 9001-2000. The product is low cost, small, attractively packaged front end Readers are connected to the Controller in a Star Connection and the Lock release output is driven from the Controller itself. Hence no intelligent hardware is required at the door end. Checkmate XT provides a field configurable intelligent Engine for taking care of any organization`s access control requirement .The controller can be configured using a Software Front-end ,COMPRO XP. Once the Checkmate is configured, all the Access Control decisions are taken by the controller making it truly a standalone system independent of PC application .It can be used in an on-line mode for larger PC Controlled Facility Management/Building Automation System. Multiple Checkmate XT`s can be networked on a RS485 bus or on a Ethernet Network with suitable hardware for larger applications. The salient features of the Multi Door Access Controller and Monitoring Panel.