
Vacuum Tray Dryer Machine

Vacuum Tray Dryer Machine

Product Category :    Tray Dryers

Supplier                :    Propack Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

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Product Profile of Vacuum Tray Dryer Machine

Propack Technologies Pvt Ltd is the manufacturer of Vacuum Tray Dryer Machine. Propack Technologies Pvt Ltd is ISO 9001:2000 certified company. Vacuum Tray Dryer Machine is made of stainless steel 304 / 316 / 316L CGMP or mild steel externals with stainless steel internals. The Vacuum Tray Dryer Machine has hollow pad type heating shelves, which are easily removable for maintenance. The Vacuum Tray Dryer Machine is fully welded skirt on vacuum dryer body for flush mounting through the wall and has external insulation of dryer with protective panels in stainless steel or mild steel powder coated.

Salient features of Vacuum Tray Dryer Machine are as follows:

  • These machines are steam or electrically heated. Fluid heating systems are available for water as well as thermic fluid that require temperature above 95 degree centigrade.
  • Have validation ports and nitrogen purge nozzles.
  • Steam sterilized models available.
  • Double door loading available for larger models.
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