Propack Technologies Pvt Ltd offers Rapid Mixer Granulator with Two Mixing Blades. Propack Technologies Pvt Ltd is ISO 9001:2000 certified company. The Rapid Mixer Granulator with Two Mixing Blades falls under Powder & Tablets Section. It has a capacity from 10 liters up to 1200 liters. The basic equipment in Rapid Mixer Granulator with Two Mixing Blades consists of machine base covered all around by SS flush type panels. The frame is provided with a SS staircase and railings. Over the frame there is RMG Bowl with pneumatically open able lid. Material of Rapid Mixer Granulator with Two Mixing Blades can be mixed is whirled and tumbled, close to the bottom of RMG bowl with the help of chopper blades. The Rapid Mixer Granulator with Two Mixing Blades consists of a chopper tool that is located at the side which prevents lump formation. Its RMG produces a highly efficient, fast and homogenous mixing.