Product Profile of Power Distribution Boards
Teknic is the manufacturer of Power Distribution Boards. Teknic is an ISO 9001: 2000 certified company. The Power Distribution Boards are applicable for up to 4000 A in functional and industrial buildings.
The salient features of Power Distribution Boards are:
- Maximum system safety thanks to type-tested standard modules [TTA]
- Maximum personal safety thanks to arc-resistant locking system
- High-quality industrial design for precise integration in modern room concepts
- Economically through space-saving erection surfaces from 400 x 500 mm
- Flexible busbar positions above or in the back to 4000 A
- Economically through combination of different installation systems in one cubicle
- Flexible adjustment of the form of internal separation to individual requirements
- Economically through easy subsequent door hinge adjustment thanks to universal hinge
- Economically through Ventilation system featuring a high efficiency degree and maintenance advantages
- Flexible through Cable/busbar connection from the top, bottom or rear