The Voltage Servo Stabilizers are designed for maintaining the mains voltage constant at all times. Their design automatically ensures that the mains voltage remains stable even if the incoming mains voltage drift is high or low. They are characterized by high efficiency and are completely unaffected by power factor, load and frequency variations. All models of Regulators are available for outdoor/indoor use as per requirement. Nagar Electronics & Instruments Pvt. Ltd. Manufactures Voltage Servo Stabilizers.
Nagar Electronics & Instruments Pvt. Ltd. Is the supplier of Uninterrupted Power Supply System and Servo Stabilizers. The Voltage Servo Stabilizers operates on a closed loop control. The output voltage is measured and compared with a high-stable reference in an electronic control unit. Whenever the output /voltage deviates from the reference for more than 1% [standard] the servo drive is switched on until the output voltage has again reached the nominal value i.E., 230 + 1%. This results in a booster Voltage, to be added to or taken away from the line voltage corresponding to the input line deviation.