Vidyut Yantra Udyog offers H-Plane Bends. Vidyut Yantra Udyog manufactures and supplies microwave components, electronic microwave components, microwave trainers, antenna trainer kit, microwave passive waveguide components, millimetre wave component covering frequency ranging from 1 Ghz to 110 Ghz. The H-Plane Bends are fabricated from a section of waveguide to provide an accurate 900 ± 10 bend in H-Plane. The cross-section of bent waveguide is kept uniform through out to give VSWR less than 1.05 [upto 18.0 GHz] or 1.08 [18.0 to 40.0 GHz] or 1.12 [50.0 to 110.0 GHz] over the entire frequency-band.