Perma Construction Aids Pvt. Ltd. Offers Injection Grouting System. Perma Construction Aids Pvt. Ltd. Is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company. The model name of Injection Grouting System is Perma Grout. The Injection Grouting System is a fine cementitious powder, which forms neat slurry when mixed with water. The Injection Grouting System is designed for effective injection grouting of R.C.C. Structures to arrest any leakage.
This system effectively fills capillaries and does not shrink like cement slurries. Perma Grout flows through the concrete easily and expands in voids and capillaries. The Injection Grouting System is very economical and is used in roof slabs; under ground and over head water tanks; basements; retaining walls; water retaining structures, earthen bunds etc. The Injection Grouting System is available in 10 kg and 25 kg sacks.