Product Profile of Chloride Free Plasticizing
Perma constructions aids private ltd. Offers modern construction chemicals to cater to all critical applications in the civil engineering industry. Perma plast-ac manufactured by the company is a silicate based liquid. It acts as a plasticising accelerator for cement, concrete and mortars. Perma plast -ac admixed mortars and concretes set fast, giving early and final high strength. Perma plast-ac is of special use in shot-creting, guniting and concreting in very low temperatures. It has several uses:
- In fast setting concretes and mortars.
- Concreting of pre-cast elements.
- Concreting & rendering in very low temperatures.
- In reducing rebound losses in sprayed mortar.
The salient features are,
- Rebound losses in shot-creting and guniting are minimized. Saving on material, labour and machine time.
- Perma plast-ac is liquid in form, hence easy to use.
- The plasticising action of perma plast-ac helps in complete hydration of cement there by achieving superior strength.
- Wastage due to breaking in pre-cast elements is reduced saving on production cost.
- Perma plast-ac can be used with all types of cements.