Synthofix-DF -A strong dye fixing agent is produced by Synthotex Chemicals Private Limited. The product Synthofix-DF is dyeing agents and the Synthotex Chemicals provide a variety of dyeing agents and dye additives for textile dyeing. The company Synthotex Chemicals is the manufacturers, exporters and suppliers of dyeing chemicals, fabric softeners, textile chemicals, printing binders, emulsifiers, and finishing agents. There are also products such as cleaning agents, leather binders, paint binders, flock binders, rubber mould releasing agent, liquid soaps, cleaning agents, and textile dyeing chemicals. Synthofix -DF being cationic in nature combines with the dye anion to produce a complex, which is insoluble. The resulting compound does not hydrolyze and is fixed to the fabrics. The reason for bleeding is adsorption of loose dye which starts as soon as dyed material comes in contact with water. The product Synthofix-DF is ideal for cotton, viscose and wool fabrics. Synthofix-DF is very effective in preventing the tenancy of reactive and direct dyeing prints to bleed in water
The properties of the Synthofix-DF: