Simplex pipeline strainers are suppliedoffered by universal engineers. Various technical features are also provided by these strainers such as:every strainer is hydrostatically tested at 150 per cent of its maximum rated pressure. The universal model 16 is a high quality, heavy-duty unit that will stand up to the most demanding applications. There is no better simplex basket strainer made. Also offered is a complete range of strainers, including t, y, simplex and duplex strainers.Working of these strainers is given by: strainers remove damage causing particulate matter from the process media, protecting system components, such as flow meters, pumps, and spray nozzles, . The particulate matter is captured in the strainer basket, . The line is then temporarily shut down and the basket removed for cleaning or replacement. Unistain make strainers [model 16] have been the industry standard simplex basket strainers. Some outstanding features of these strainers include: a few of the reasons for its popularity are the unusually large basket capacity; the free straining area is at least six times the cross-sectional pipe area; the basket can be removed in seconds; and each strainer also comes standard with a threaded drain which can be used as a backwash connection if desired. Wall thicknesses are exceptionally heavy. The basket seats are precision machined to give a tight seal and prevent any material from bypassing the basket. And every strainer is hydrostatically tested at 150 per cent of its maximum rated pressure. The universal model 16 is a high quality, heavy-duty unit that will stand up to the most demanding applications. There is no better simplex basket strainer made. Also offered is a complete range of strainers, including t, y, simplex and duplex strainers.