High Frequency Skin Cautery Unit is especially designed for Skin, Dermatologist and Plastic Surgeons. Delta Medical Appliances is an ISO 13485-2003 and ISO 9001:2000 certified company that offers High Frequency Skin Cautery Unit.Delta Medical Appliances also supplies Pediatric and Physiotherapy equipments. High Frequency Skin Cautery Unit is a decent out look unit that provides high power Electrosurgical current Desiccation, Fulguration, Co- agulation and Epilation, for removal of growth on the surface and within accessible orifices Warts, Corns, Cysts, Moles, Fibroma, Conjunctivitis, Tonsil Tags, Vaginal Cysts. Cosmetic result is obtained with little or no scar tissue. Abnormalities can be removed bloodlessly with this equipment. Step up Intensity control is provided to regulate Monopolar and Bipolar current.