Automated Lyophilized Vial Inspection
Product Profile of Automated Lyophilized Vial Inspection
- Applicable vials : colourless & transparent glass vials [tubular or molded]the cake should be white or light coloured
- Maximum capacity up to 150 vials per minute
- Defect detection capacity : 50square micron black speck or dirt
- Vial size : h 30 to 70mm, ? : 15 to 33mm
- Cake height : 5 mm or more [including the vial bottom]
- Inspection parameters
Cake: dirt, foreign particle, fill level
Vial : crack, scratch & dirt
Cap : omission, dirt & tightness
Rubber stopper : proper positioning, flash
- Inspected surface - entire cake surface [top, side & bottom],vial surface [shoulder, side & bottom], cap [top & side], aluminium cap [side]
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