Product Profile of Xantrex Xw Auto Generator Start
Premier Auto Electric Ltd supplies Xantrex XW Auto Generator Start. Premier Auto Electric Ltd is a supplier of lead storage batteries & industrial batteries Xantrex XW Auto Generator Start will start the generator to assist the system`s inverter/charger[s] when output power demands are high.
Key Features of Xantrex Xw Auto Generator Start
- Compatibility - the XW AGS connects to other XanbusT-enabled XW System devices without requiring additional hubs, control cards, or other device-specific control panels
- Works with AC or DC generators with either two-wire or three-wire start controls
- Configurability - comprehensive customizable triggers based on low-battery voltage, change in charging state, high inverter load, thermostat signals, planned exercise periods, max run-time, and quiet-time settings
- Non-volatile memory - preserves XW AGS settings even if the network power is interrupted or network communication is disrupted
- Note: The XW AGS requires an XW System Control Panel [XW SCP] for configuration and monitoring.
- LED display showing at-a-glance status
- 20-contact generator connector and three built-in relays support 13 preset generator configurations
- Built-in emergency shutdown
- Xanbus enabled
- Interfaces with XW Hybrid Inverter/Chargers, XW Solar Charge Controllers, and XW System Control Panel