The indian arm of cologne-based igus gmbh provides iglidur plain plastic bearings for automotive applications. The plain plastic bearings are appropriate for use in numerous applications like seating systems where cost is of prime importance, chassis systems where high load, temperature resistant materials are necessary to provide optimum damping from blows, impacts and vibration, and to elevate safety; butterfly valves that are increasingly being fitted in plastic housings and require bearings with low friction and wear values; brake calipers which have to withstand extreme vibrations, abrasive soiling, high temperatures and high loads; in transmissions as an alternative to metal plain bearings and roller bearings with excellent dampening properties and prevention of contact erosion on aluminium cast housings: in steering systems that command low friction values and high rigidity. Compared to ball bearings the iglidur plain plastic bearings are up to 90 per cent cheaper. The iglidur plain plastic bearings are competing against metal plain bearings with ptfe coatings, which are up to 40 percent more expensive.