Sunsoko offers solar water heating systems. This system is the most efficient and reliable solar water heating systems for domestic and industrial applications. Principle of working is thermosyphon [natural convection], which means heating without pumping. The water after becoming hot loses its density and gets replaced by the cold water of high density. The hot water rises to the top of the collector and moves to storage tank. The process continues till solar radiation is available. Industrial solar water heating systems work on forced/natural circulation. The company designs systems up to 3000 lpd with thermosyphon. Some of the favorable features includes: reliable and durable; low maintenance; high efficiency collectors; wide range of capacities and colours; can withstand high temperature; free energy resource; specific model to suit quality of water; and designed to suit all types of installations. It find its applications in various areas like: residential water heating requirements; hostels, hotels, lodges and restaurants; textile industries; chemical and fertilizer industries; hospitals and nursing homes; milk diaries and food processing industries; steam cooking; drug and pharmaceutical industries; leather processing industries; educational institutions; and pre-heated water to boiler.