Goelgroup offers with draminski estrous detector for cows, mares, sows and ewes and is useful for a successful breeding program. The draminski estrous detector indicates estrous by monitoring changes occurring in resistance of the vaginal mucus.
1. detecting estrous: estrous detection depends on identifying the period when resistance is minimum and the following sharp rise. The rise in resistance indicates ovulation within a few hours and is the best period for insemination or mating.
2. detecting early pregnancy: readings should be taken again after insemination or mating when the next estrous cycle would normally be due. If resistance remains high for a few days it will mean gestation is in progress. On the other hand a fall in resistance to levels met during estrous will indicate the animal is not pregnant.
3. testing procedure: measurements are taken simply by properly inserting the probe into the vagina and taking a reading. No prior technical knowledge on the part of the operator is needed. The instrument`s functional shape allows easy usage by one person and no help is needed to take measurements. One or two daily readings for several successive days are recommended for fail-safe detection of ovulation. The method may also be used for testing other animals, e.G. Goats.