Anti-vibration Type Insulating Plate is designed to solve problems caused in many industrial sectors by vibrations and structure borne noise and is made from a precise combination of nitrile rubber, cork particles and cross linked polyester fibres. The Insulating Plate is resistant to mineral oils such as water mixable anticorrosive oils, sliding belt oils, compressed air oils, lubricants, thermal oils, filter oils, rolling oils, gear lubricant oils for cars, brake fluids and mineral oil basis. The Insulating Plate is resistant to conventional oils, grease, acids, etc. The Insulating Plate is resistant to cooling emulsions, thus allowing machine mounting in oil sumps. The Anti-vibration Type Insulating Plate is resistant to purifiers, chlorinated hydrocarbons, petroleum ether/benzene, cold purifiers, washing and rinsing agents, wetting agents, dilute acids, dilute alkaline solutions, salt solution.